
aquaculture industry is about to experience a revolution!

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Carbon Footprint

We opt to use the source of renewable energy for aquculture while planting mangrove for carbon sequestration and introduce climate smart shrimp farming in Bangladesh.


Through our digital marketplace for selling and farming data collection procedure, every farm will have a unique ID to provide full traceability option across the value chain.

Animal Welfare

Oxygen, ammonia, temperature, salinity and pH management are key to the welfare of all aquatic animals. Leveraging modern technoloy for monitoring, water quality will be ensured to the best condition.

Cold Chain Management

The cold chain ensures that perishable products are safe and of high quality at the point of consumption. Our logistics will assist post harvest aquatic foods to be in pristine quality across the value chain.


We believe reducing dependence on intermediaries throughout the value chain and allowing smallholder farmers to reach customers more directly, we can help them earn more from the same investment.

Access to Finance

Our smart business dashboard will allow smallholder farmers to develop a formal financial trajectory which will create opportunities for bank or individual investment to their business.

Who We Are

𝗙𝗜𝗦𝗛𝗕𝗬𝗧𝗘, an aqua tech company aim to disrupt and transform the low yielding aquaculture industry of Bangladesh. Our unique value proposition lies in the commitment to use modern technology and AI operated equipment to improve the aquaculture industry while making it climate smart to foster sustainable environment globally.

We work with smallholder farmers by providing high quality seeds and technical services to improve their farming practices to maximize production, while minimizing waste and reducing environmental impact.

Our Goal

Our goal is to create a robust sales channel for small farmers, providing them with direct market access through our digital platform. We believe lowering intermediaries dependency and allowing small farmers to reach customers more directly, we can help them earn more from the same investment.

By providing farmers access to our digital platform with a unique ID, we enable them to receive payments electronically, thereby reducing the cost and time involved in receiving payments. Moreover, their financial trajectory will create opportunities for bank or individual investment in the business.

Our Mission

Our mission is not just profit but also promoting sustainability, creating traceability of aquatic foods and eradicating poverty from rural society. We believe that by the right use of technology, modern equipment and association of all parties, we can create a thriving, climate smart, sustainable aquaculture industry that benefits every stakeholder in the country and beyond.

Join Us

Be a part of our journey to revolutionize the aquaculture industry of Bangladesh. Together, we can make a positive impact on the lives of fish/shrimp farmers, to the environment and contribute to creating an equitable aquaculture industry globally.

Ready to get started? Sign up now!